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US Army Physical Fitness Training

Have you ever wanted to join the Army or have you ever wanted to experience training like they do in the US Army?

If so then US Army physical fitness training will be right up your street.

Keeping fit is very important as it can really help a person to live life with more desire and fulfillment as well as being able to do more things in general.

It can be difficult getting through certain daily tasks without a good level of fitness and that is why it is important to exercise as much as possible. You should know by now the benefits that people get from keeping fit and it can help to keep you feeling healthy too.

What is Involved With US Army Physical Fitness Training?

If you join the US army physical fitness training school then you will have a first class physical program thrown your way.

The physical fitness is extremely important and it is an essential part of the military as well.

The types of fitness programs that you will experience will be:

• Strength Training
• Endurance Training
• Diet
• Lifestyle

You really will get the full package as to what is involved with fitness, because it really is much more than just exercise. The whole idea of this training is to get people to change their habits and to make it last for their whole life, rather than just working for awhile and then reverting back to their old ways.

The cadets that join up are actually required to take an army physical fitness test as part of the US Army physical fitness training.

What the test includes:

• You will have to perform as many push ups in two minutes
• The same applies to sit ups as well
• A time two mile run

You will be marked for each test and you can be awarded up to 100 points for each of the events that you do. To be able to pass you will need a minimum of 60 points but at the US Army physical fitness training you are encouraged to aim for the maximum score.

Basically the score will be calculated using the army standards, but it will vary due to the performance, gender as well as age of the cadet.

Basically if you have any weaknesses in certain events you will be worked on until you improve, which will mean that you will be pushed to your limits and then pushed a little more.

It will be extremely tough work but the results will be worth it. So if you are considering US Army physical fitness training then you really do have to be mentally prepared as it will not be an easy ride!